
Author Interview: Leah Clifford

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Leah Clifford
Leah Clifford has been an extreme cave tour guide, a camp counselor, a flight attendant, a pizza delivery girl, a waitress, and a grocery store clerk. Now she adds author to that list. She lives outside Cleveland, Ohio. This is her first book.

She can be found on Twitter at: http://www.twitter.com/leahclifford. --Goodreads

1. What were your influences to write A Touch Mortal?

When I was a teen there really wasn't too much young adult that appealed to me. From a really young age (like, 3rd grade) I read Stephen King, Anne Rice, Dean Koontz. My favorite movie as a teen was The Crow. Writing A Touch Mortal, I just wanted to get something out there that was darker than the norm. I tried to write a book that I would have liked as a teen.

2. Lately angels have been the themes for many YA novels, why did you write about angels? And why are your creatures different from the angels we've heard about before?

I don't think I ever made a conscious decision to write about angels. I'm not at all religious, so I didn't feel any guilt at letting my characters just be themselves. I didn't really read any angel books, so I wasn't really in tune with what they were "supposed to be like." I think, like people, there's good and bad in even angels and demons and I love exploring those gray areas they're put in.

3. How long did it take you to write A Touch Mortal?

About six weeks for the first 60k and then I hit a horrible wall. It took about six months to figure out what was wrong (Az and Gabe had no chapters in the book) and fix it. Then I had a revision just before the book was purchased where I wrote the first 140 pages. So...kind of a hard question lol

4. If you could meet any author (dead or alive) and have lunch with them, who would it be?

I think Libba Bray would make for a fun lunch buddy!

5. You have a variety of creatures in you novel (Siders, Fallen, and Angels). What side are you on?

The winning side, hopefully! *winks*

6. What advice would you give to aspiring authors?

Work hard. Rewrite. Always strive to be better than the last draft!

7. What are you working on now? Can you tell us about it?

Right now I'm working on Book 3 in the Touch Mortal Trilogy. It's still a baby novel--only at about 15k words so far! I don't outline, so I can't really tell you much about it even if I WAS allowed, but so far, it's going good and things are bloody. Which is just about how I like it!

Now some fun stuff:

Favorite Movie: The Princess Bride
Favorite TV Show:Game of Thrones
Favorite Musical Artist/Group: Amanda Palmer
Favorite Food: Anything in New Orleans
Favorite Book:House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski

Thank you so much for joining me today, Leah!  If you loved her interview as much as I did, you definitely need to check out Leah Clifford.  You can find her website HERE.  If anything, you must follow her on Twitter, because she is awesome.  Follow away HERE.  And if you have no clue what I've been raving on about all week, you need to get yourself a copy of her book.  Go check out what A Touch Mortal is about HERE and read my review HERE.  I know you will just love it!

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