
Top Ten Authors I've Read the Most

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme created and hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.  This week's topic is: Top Ten Authors I've Read the Most From.

This is going to be set up a little different than most Top Ten Tuesdays to accommodate the theme.  Instead of explaining each book or author, pictured below is the author and my favorite book of theirs with the number of how many I've actually read by that author:

If I ever finished any series, I would probably have a different set of names above.  This was so much fun pulling together.  Goodreads did help me out a bit.  Have a great Tuesday!

What is the author you've read most?

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  1. I really need to get around to reading Cassandra Clare!
    My TTT

  2. Nice list! Im really excited about reading some of Cassandra Clare's stuff. And of course, William Shakespeare is awesome!

  3. Wicked Lovely was such a great series! Nice list!
