
Follow Friday: Undiscovered Talent

Friday, September 11, 2015

It's almost the weekend; it's Friday! Today, I'm participating in the #FF Feature and Follow hop, created by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read.  Go follow them-- they are the best!
Undiscovered talent – tell us about a book you loved but no one else seems to have heard of. It can be new or old, any genre. Let’s spread the love.
Why doesn't anyone ever talk about Ink by Amanda Sun, or--in general-- the whole Paper Gods series?  I haven't finished this series but the third  and final one came out in June.  Those books are fantastic.  Set in Japan, the protagonist, Katie, is struggling with the language barrier in her new school and also wondering about a mysterious student who makes doodles move.

Go read them.  Amanda Sun has truly created something original, gorgeous, and attention-grabbing!  You can read my review of Rain or just check them out on Goodreads (Ink, Rain, Storm).

Be sure to check out these awesome posts:

Dumplin' by Julie Murphy (and giveaway!): This book doesn't release until next week but I reviewed it a little early for a chance to giveaway two copies (that means two winners) and for those winners to have it in their hands right after the book is released.  
Top Ten Completed Series I Haven't Finished: It's a fact that I have a hard time finish series.  Take a look at some series that I should definitely get reading but haven't yet.
Thoughts from a NYC Editorial Intern (Part 1): A country girl got to go to the big city this summer for an internship of a lifetime and there are a few things she will never forget.

What book have you loved and no one else seems to know about?

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  1. I love the covers - never heard of this series before! I'm now following you on Bloglovin' - here's my FF post.

  2. I've never heard, thanks for sharing this.
    New GFC follower,
    Silvy @Books are my life

  3. Heard good things about Ink. Glad you recommend it. New GFC follower. My FF

  4. OOh nice! I've heard of this series but never read it. Absolute love the cover for the third book!

    Thanks for visiting and following my blog! Returning the follow!

    Have a GREAT day!

    NEW Follower :D

  5. this looks so awesome! The covers are phenomenal!
    New GFC follower!
    My FF

    -Nicolette @ A Read-aholic

  6. I have walked past this book in the book store a million times, and every single time I have to pick it up because the cover is just SOOO beautiful! Definitely going to have to get this one and add it to my TBR!

    New follower via GFC!
    Kristen @ One Chapter Ahead

  7. I love the art of Amanda Sun's Paper Gods series. Thanks for suggesting this.

    I'm a new twitter, GFC, and bloglovin follower. Please follow me back in those via zirev.com

  8. I have never heard of this series before but it sounds really interesting and the book covers are gorgeous! I'll have to go and check them out. Thanks for sharing!

    Thank you for stopping by my post earlier :) following you back via bloglovin :)

    Obsessive Compulsive Reader
